Thursday, July 22, 2010



hurm...pelik sikit tajuk kali ni.kakak...
kenape agaknye kakak yang menjadi tajuk post sebab saya sendiri tak de kakak.
ape agaknye perasaan kalau ade kakak ek?
any suggestion?

dulu-dulu kawan2 sibuk cerita pasal kakak2 best jek.teringin gak nak ade kakak.
bile fikir balik..ape lah adik2 sendiri cerite pasal kakak die.hehe.

bile masuk sekolah asrama (smsah).first time dapat kakak.kakak angkat la tapi.
die lah yang bawak kite jalan2 kat sekolah.teman belikan barang.memang best.macam kakak betul pulak.(excited dapat kakak).rase beruntung pulak dapat masuk asrama sebab dapat kakak.

ade sorang kakak ni die memang best.saya memang rindu betul la akak ni.sabarinah binti sapdi-kak ani.baik orangnye.orang kota kinabalu.siap penolong ketua pelajar.sweet memory lah.maen tukar hadiah.surat2.macam bercinta pulak.sekarang akak tu dah nak jadi doktor da.graduate volgograd uni,russia.may we meet again.

kadang2 jeles jugak dengan orang yang ade kakak betul ni.hehe.mesti diorang rapat.
ade tempat nak bermanja.ade tempat nak bercerita masalah.ade orang yang nak kongsi cerita.hehe.pendek kate mintak ape je pun dapat.hehe.

ape ape pun.bagi sesiape yang ade kakak,sayangilah kakak anda.haha.
saje je ni.tengah jiwang2.tetibe terfikir seronok pulak kalau ade kakak.
anyway.da lewat da ni.sampai sini saje.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to Khawal izmi Ruslan.

Sorry tahun ni along tak dapat balik belikan imi hadiah besday macam tahun2 lepas.
Sorry jugak tahun ni along tak dapat balik bagi semangat kat imi nak amek SPM tahun ni.
Sorry jugak lambat wish besday.he3

Tapi tak pe.Tahun ni along ngan aton insyaAllah kalau takde aral melintang, sampailah kami ke tanah haram.
kami doakan yang terbaik untuk imi,untuk SPM.

Salam sayang dari kami berdua.


(gambar hiasan)hehe

I was sad, but You knocked on the door of my heart and the sound called to me
A new wind blew through my blurry memories

How do I look in Your eyes?
I surely wouldn’t have known I could smile like this
And maybe I wouldn’t even have known how to trust
If I hadn’t met You

Magic of the smile
I’ll keep in my heart forever this truth that has never changed since that day
One smile from you saved me
Magic of the smile
Amid the sound of a love I can hear, every tenderness imaginable is here
And begins to shine, changing the future

Even on dark, sad nights when the stars are blurry
I’ll live with the heart You’ve given me
My feet have even begun to adjust a little to these unfamiliar boots
And I feel like I can walk far

Magic of the word
It’s OK, no matter what kind of tomorrow we arrive at
A single word from You will make me stronger
Magic of the word
Amid the sound of a love I can hear, even the meaning of life is here
And the world takes on all the colours of the rainbow

Magic of the love
It has no shape and we can’t touch it or see it
It’s in our hearts
Amid the sound of a love I can hear, I want to feel a warmth
That will bring us closer, even one millimetre closer

Magic of the music
I’ll put this feeling that’s welling up inside me into words and keep singing
So that the magic doesn’t wear off and this doesn’t go away
Magic of the music
I pray that there will always be warmth here amid the sound of this love I can hear
And that the world will keep turning in the future

Magic by Aiuchi Rina -(some modification)-

nice lyric n very touching.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

IBS(25% of internal medicine cases)


Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder characterized most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.

It occurs more often in women than in men, and it begins before the age of 35 in about 50 percent of people.

Stress—feeling mentally or emotionally tense, troubled, angry, or overwhelmed—can stimulate colon spasms in people with IBS. The colon has many nerves that connect it to the brain. Like the heart and the lungs, the colon is partly controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which responds to stress.

These nerves control the normal contractions of the colon and cause abdominal discomfort at stressful times. People often experience cramps or “butterflies” when they are nervous or upset.

In people with IBS, the colon can be overly responsive to even slight conflict or stress. Stress makes the mind more aware of the sensations that arise in the colon, making the person perceive these sensations as unpleasant.

Some evidence suggests that IBS is affected by the immune system, which fights infection in the body. The immune system is affected by stress. For all these reasons, stress management is an important part of treatment for IBS. Stress management options include

* stress reduction (relaxation) training and relaxation therapies(meditation)
* counseling and support
* regular exercise such as walking or yoga
* changes to the stressful situations in your life
* adequate sleep

kadang2 bile kite stress pn kite x sedar.
hidden stress la katekan.
stress tu x manifest dlm bentuk perasaan, die g hantar impulse kat colon plk.
kesian colon itu.hehe.

take ur time to relax sometime(but not too long)..hehe
just go back to our Creator whenever sumthin' bother u.